Gameboy Probe Carts

Shown below are several versions of the Gameboy “PROBE” cartridges.

These were used with Intelligent Systems development kits for both CGB abd AGB. (IS-CGB-EMULATOR, IS-AGB-EMULATOR and IS-AGB-CAPTURE)

These specialized cartridges provide routing of the “Reset” and “IRQ” (Interrupt) signals, required by the Emulator debugger hardware to function properly. Certain models of these cartridges allowed developers to interface additional memory via a daughter card. This would interfaced to a special port located on the PROBE cart PCBA.

Images Provided by @GamingLegend64 (Twitter)

DMG Cartridge PROBE 3

AGB Cartridge PROBE – (Shown below)

AGB PROBE cartridge – Memory Daughter cards. (Shown below)

The image above is actually a Prototype model. (The “X” suffix were only used for Prototype models.)

Shown below are some photos of Probe cartridges used to inter-connect an IS-AGB-EMULATOR to an IS-AGB-CAPTURE.

Image below: AGB Cartridge Probe

Image Below: DMG Cartridge Probe 3(C)